U.S. Department of Transportation
202 items found
Interstate Substitutions: A Handbook for Mayors
Interstate Crossroads, Vol. 1, No. 1
Dan Quayle to Mayor Hudnut, September 22, 1981 (With Plastic Cover)
Federal Register - Part II: Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition for Federal and Federally - Assisted Programs
Urban Transportation: New Roles for Mayors and Cities
D.F. McCrosson to D.R. Frick, F.L. Madorin, J.L. Krauss, and J. N. Shelley, February 4, 1981
Robert D. Orr and Mayor Hudnut to John S. Hassell, Jr. and Theodore C. Lutz, February 3, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to John L. Krauss, Fred L. Madorin, and David R. Frick, January 22, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Birch Bayh, December 30, 1980
Fred L. Madorin to Robert D. Lorah, August 6, 1981
Fred L. Madorin to Gene K. Hallock and Robert D. Lorah, July 29, 1981 (Different Markings)
Mayor Hudnut to Andrew Jacobs, Jr., September 4, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Adam Benjamin, Jr., September 4, 1981
G.K. Hallock to Fred Madorin, December 9, 1980
John N. Gobis to Mayor Hudnut, November 19, 1980
Robert D. Lorah to Robert N. Kennedy, October 29, 1980
Robert D. Lorah to Dennis McCrosson, September 24, 1980
Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation: Resolution
Robert D. Lorah to Dennis McCrosson, September 22, 1980