Scottish Rite Cathedral
59 items found
Scottish Rite Annual Membership Dinner Notes
Proclamation - "Scottish Rite Cathedral Day"
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, September 9, 1983
Invitation to Fathers and Sons Banquet
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, November 5, 1977
Mayor Hudnut to Austin O. Roche, Jr., October 4, 1977
Austin O. Roche, Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, October 3, 1977
Austin O. Roche, Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, October 21, 1977
Austin O. Roche, Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, November 5, 1977
Reception Honoring Roger R. Mosser, November 24, 1991
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut April 15, 1979
Ted E. Kaptain to Mayor Hudnut, February 1, 1979
From Mayor Hudnut (Supreme Assembly of International Order of the Rainbow Girls)
Rex Fleenor to Mark Goff, August 7, 1987
The Indanapolis Scottish Rite Cathedral Foundation Fact Sheet
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
Please Bring Itinerary
Grand Lodge Banquet Notes