50 items found
Mayor Lugar Discusses the Indianapolis Racers Professional Hockey Team
Mayor Hudnut Talks with Members of the Crowd at a Wheelchair Basketball Game, April 16, 1977
Mayor Hudnut Speaks at an Indianapolis Racers Game, 1977
Indianapolis NLC Convention, Proof Sheet 1
Mounted Photograph of Indianapolis Racers Hockey Team
Hockey press conference, Img. 1
Hockey press conference, Img. 2
Hockey press conference, Img. 3
Mayor Lugar Makes Presentation at Indianapolis Racers Game in Market Square Arena, October 1974
Market Square Arena, October Schedule
John D. Weissert to Mayor Lugar, February 1975
Representative Request, Racers game
Contest to Name the Sports Arena Announced
Jerry Newman to Gary Landau
Press Release Assessing Financial Situation of the Pacers and Announcing Offers to Purchase the Franchise, December 1974
For Immediate Release July 6
Handwritten Notes: 1973
Handwritten Notes: require substantial bond on lawsuit...
John R. Jewett to Frederic M. Hadley, January 8, 1974
Note to RGL from John