50 items found
From Mayor Goldsmith, Lyn St. James Driver Development Program
The Mayor's Letter, from Mayor Goldsmith, undated
23rd Annual Smoothest Bike Ride in the World
Mayor Lugar Introduces Buyer of Indianapolis Hockey Team
Mayor Lugar Discusses the Indianapolis Racers Professional Hockey Team
Mayor Hudnut Talks with Members of the Crowd at a Wheelchair Basketball Game, April 16, 1977
Mayor Hudnut with Racers Jersey at a Wheelchair Basketball Game, April 16, 1977
Mayor Hudnut Greets a Man at a Wheelchair Basketball Game, April 16, 1977
Mayor Hudnut Cheers at an Indianapolis Racers Game, 1977
Mayor Hudnut in Uniform at an Indianapolis Racers Game, 1977
Mayor Hudnut in Uniform Talking with Fans at an Indianapolis Racers Game, 1977
Mayor Hudnut Speaks at an Indianapolis Racers Game, 1977
Indianapolis NLC Convention, Proof Sheet 1
Indianapolis NLC Convention, Proof Sheet 2
Mounted Photograph of Indianapolis Racers Hockey Team
Hockey press conference, Img. 1
Hockey press conference, Img. 2
Hockey press conference, Img. 3
Indianapolis Racers Play in their Inaugural Season, Market Square Arena, October 1974
Mayor Lugar Makes Presentation at Indianapolis Racers Game in Market Square Arena, October 1974