2,326 items found
Williiam H. Hudnut Newsletter
George Haithwaite to Lucille Camp
Harriette Bailey Conn to Mayor Hudnut, February 20, 1978
Amanda Strong to Mayor Hudnut, January 12, 1978
Mary Ryder-Taylor to Mayor Hudnut, April 13, 1981
From Bob Isaac, May 8, 1984
Kenneth F. Melley and Debbie DeLee to Mayor Hudnut, July 20, 1987
New Directions
From Richard G. Lugar
From Mayor Hudnut, September 1980
Dick Clark to Mayor Hudnut, July 28, 1977
Briefing for the National Conference of Republican Mayor and Municipal Elected Officials, February 26, 1982
Donald H. Heckard to Mayor Hudnut, October 8, 1979
Ringe Media, Inc. (August 1991)
Time Table: 1982 Platform Committee (Clean)
Bruce C. Smith to Ellie Holt, June 1, 1984
Bruce C. Smith to Ellie Holt, May 31, 1984
Gordon K. Durnil to Thomas J. Henry, June 28, 1982
1982 Indiana Republican Platform
Platform Committee: 1982 Indiana Republican State Convention