1,119 items found
St. Patrick's Day Party, March 17, 1988, Img. 7
Dave Carley Going Away Party, October 3, 1986, Img. 1
Dave Carley Going Away Party, October 3, 1986, Img. 10
Dave Carley Going Away Party, October 3, 1986, Img. 2
Dave Carley Going Away Party, October 3, 1986, Img. 4
Dave Carley Going Away Party, October 3, 1986, Img. 6
Dave Carley Going Away Party, October 3, 1986, Img. 7
Mayor Hudnut with Busted Piñata
Marion County Fair Press Party, July 29, 1986, Img. 3
Marion County Fair Press Party, July 29, 1986, Img. 4
Marion County Fair Press Party, July 29, 1986, Img. 8
Marion County Fair Press Party, July 29, 1986, Proof Sheet
Roland's Retirement Visit, February 15, 1984, Img. 2
Barbara Gore Going Away, March 20, 1989, Img. 4
Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce 100th Anniversary, December 18, 1989, Img. 9
Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce 100th Anniversary, December 18, 1989, Img. 4
Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce 100th Anniversary, December 18, 1989, Img. 5
Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce 100th Anniversary, December 18, 1989, Img. 8
Oct. Staff Meeting, October 1986, Img. 2
Oct. Staff Meeting, October 1986, Img. 3