Property Taxes
793 items found
House Bill 1841
Ron Miller to John Ryan, John Krauss, and Joseph Slash, February 8, 1984
Indiana Association of Cities & Towns 1984 Legislative Bulletin, No. 4
Dr. Philip Borst to Mayor Hudnut, October 11, 1985
Media Advisory
Local Option Financing Funds Needed, April 13, 1984
Summary of HB 1217 as Adopted by the General Assembly: Property Tax Control Amendments
Indianapolis and Marion County Alternative Financing Administration Recommendation
HB 1217: Property Tax Levy Increase of 5% Allowed
Cumulative Development Funds: Fund, Purpose, and Maximum Tax Rate
Debt Financing, 1984-1987
Alternative 1: Income Tax, Property Tax, 1984-1987
Mayor Hudnut to Mark Miles, January 8, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Mrs. John Totton, May 23, 1978
Metropolitan Development Commission of Marion County, Indiana Resolution Draft
Lawrence M. Borst to Stephen H. Stoughton, June 8, 1976
Phillip D. Hinkle to Mayor Hudnut, January 23, 1986
Property Tax Resolution
David Carley to Mark DeFabis, January 19, 1983