1,088 items found
List of Issues, April 23, 1990
List of Issues, April 27, 1990
List of Issues, May 3, 1990
P.E. MacAllister to the PEPPER Alumni (and the PIPS), May 25, 1990
Uncategorized Issues, May 17, 1990
Uncategorized Issues, May 31, 1990
Uncategorized Issues, October 4, 1990
No Go Issues, July 9, 1991
Uncategorized Issues, July 9, 1991
Uncategorized Issues, June 27, 1990
Uncategorized Issues, July 3, 1990
Marion County Recorder's Office Report to the PEPPER Committee
Marianne E. McCullough to Mayor Hudnut, November 22, 1988
Marianne E. McCullough to Mayor Hudnut, November 22, 1988
Ewel Cornett to Ralph Kennedy and Bill Walters, July 6, 1987
Department of Public Safety, Budget Impact of Recommended Proposals
T. Garrott Benjamin, Jr., Tanya Vonnegut Beck, and Ramon Humke to Mayor Hudnut, August 22, 1988
Joseph Slash to Tanya Vonnegut Beck, July 5, 1988
Tanya Vonnegut Beck to Human Relations Task Force, July 18, 1988
Tanya Vonnegut Beck to Human Relations Task Force, July 11, 1988