803 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Beulah Coughenor & John Ryan, March 3, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Dorothea S. Green, January 8, 1985
Dorothea S. Green to Mayor Hudnut, November 21, 1984
Rally for Decency
Anti-Pornography Ordinance Signed
Mayor Hudnut to Edwin Meese III, February 27, 1986
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, May 16-17, 1984
Eastside Businessmen's Luncheon, January 8, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to June Beechler, June 6, 1983
Jerry R. Kirk to Mayor Hudnut, August 24, 1984
Tentative Program Schedule for the National Consultation on Pornography, Obscenity & Indecency, September 6-7, 1984_Photocopy
Jerry R. Kirk to Mayor Hudnut, June 14, 1984
Overture on Morality in Media, Adopted by the Justice and Social Ethics Committee, Presbyterian Church
Peggie Miller to Mayor Hudnut, August 29, 1984
Good News Together We Stand...The Answer to Moral Problems in Our Community
City-County General Ordinance No. 24
Adult Entertainment Businesses in Indianapolis: An Analysis
John Ryan to Kathy Watson, April 6, 1984
Michael Lee Gradison to Mayor Hudnut, April 2, 1984
An Ordinance of the City of Minneapolis