Personal Correspondence
5,497 items found
Mayor Goldsmith to Harold R. Woodward, January 10, 1996
Mayor Goldsmith to Harold R. Woodward, January 10, 1996
Mayor Goldsmith to Standard 4, January 18, 1996
Mayor Goldsmith to Standard 2, January 18, 1996
Jeannette Streeter to Mayor Goldsmith, January 17, 1996
Mayor Goldsmith to Bessie Wagner, January 23, 1996
Carolyn Niehaus to Nadine Lodge and Tim, February 4, 1995
H. Douglas Williams to Carolyn Niehaus
Nadine Lodge to Carolyn, February 20th
8-3-93 Message, I as JoAnn What Needed...
Mitzi to Doug, April 15th
Mitzi Hurst to Doug, May 5, 1993
Gary to Gini, April 7, 1993
Gary D. to Ginny, March 23, 1993
Mary Gilyeat to Mitzy_Please Change Wording in 2nd Paragraph
Mitzi to John, April 26, 1993
Mitzi Hurst to Joe, Etheridge Knight Festival of Arts
Mitzi Hurst to Joe, March 18, 1993
Mitzi to Bill Stephan, May 14, 1993
Mitzi Hurst to Dina Reinhard, June 10, 1993