Personal Correspondence
5,497 items found
Dave Frick to Mike McDaniel, April 29, 1975_Copy
Dave Frick to Bill Hudnut, May 5, 1975, Re: Traffic Delays at RR Crossings at Michigan and New York Streets
Arthur S. Robinson to William I. Spencer, May 15, 1968_Copy
Fred L. Armstrong to Arthur S. Robinson, June 4, 1974
Fred L. Armstrong to Dave Frick, April 12, 1975
Ethel M. Heckman to Bill Hudnut, April 25, 1975
Eugene Dougherty to Dave Frick, May 7, 1975
To Mayor & Mrs. Hudnut, November 13, 1983
Note Regarding Steve Scott of Citizens Gas
A Warm and Special Thank You
F. Lasbury to Mayor Hudnut, September 20, 1976
While You Were Out
Note from Elaine
From Mayor Hudnut
Elenor Hendrickson to Mayor Hudnut, August 11, 1976
Bruce B. Melchert to Marcie Thompson, May 27, 1976
Randy Jehs to Mayor Hudnut, September 21, 1976
Sincere Prayers of the People
To William H. Hudnut III, September 20, 1957
Jo John and Jay Conklin to William H. Hudnut III, September 22, 1957