Personal Correspondence
5,497 items found
Randall W. Jehs to Mayor Hudnut, July 28, 1976
Bruce B. Melchert to Susan McVie (Drainage)
Handwritten Note to Mayor Hudnut
Thank You Card from Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Heck
To John Martin
David H. Arland to Bill Evans, April 30, 1991
David H. Arland to Bibi Sandstrom & Eric Joseph Kollenberg, August 15, 1991
David H. Arland to Bibi Sandstrom, July 3, 1991
David H. Arland to Kathe D. Sandstrom, February 13, 1991
Susan McVie to Mayor Hudnut, July 30, 1976
Petra Dussel to Marianne McCullough, November 14, 1989
Carol A. Schmitz to Marianne E. McCullough, December 7, 1989
Dan Stanley to Marianne E. McCullough, December 7, 1989
Marianne E. McCulllough to Bruno Schiefer, October 3, 1989
Bruno Schiefer to John L. Krauss, October 3, 1989
Petra Dussel to John L. Krauss, August 30, 1989
Matthew Griffith to John Krauss, July 17, 1989
Fritz Hermanns to Marianne McCullough, March 6, 1989
Roy A. Shea to Gunther Nogge, February 7, 1989
Eve Earley to John L. Krauss, March 2, 1989