1,619 items found
City's "Hot" Business Address Fills Last Empty Site
1996 IndyParks Projects
New Parks Land Acquisitions 1993-1995
Monument Circle Fact Sheet
Master Site Plan, River Crossing
From Mayor Hudnut_Welcome to Indianapolis, Cohen Real Estate
HUD's Reinvention: From Blueprint to Action Summary
Goldsmith Announces Completion of Blackburn Terrace
HUD Restructuring, December 29, 1994
Mayor Unveils Plan To Revitalize The Garfield Park Neighborhood
Steve Thomas to Lisa Archey, Doug Guthrie, Patricia Foley, et al., April 13, 1992
Westside Community Development Corporation Capital Improvement Program, "Building Better Neighborhoods"
Renovated Coffin Golf Course Opens, June 29, 1995
Background on Coffin Golf Course
Pre-Event Planning, Ft. Harrison Officer's Club, August 27
Dan Coats to Stephen Goldsmith, Notes, August 4, 1992
Stephen Goldsmith to Curt Smith, September 1, 1992
Dan Coats to Mayor Goldsmith, August 4, 1992
Robert G. Moorhead to Harry Eakin
Robert G. Moorhead to Don Tansel and Harry Eakin, August 26, 1991