Mass Transportation
595 items found
Hudnut To Meet With Transportation Officials On Highway Funds
Hudnut To Meet With Transportation Officials On Highway Funds_Handwritten Notes
For Immediate Release, August 31, 1973
For Immediate Release, August 31, 1973_National Railway Passenger Service
Reductions in Major Urban Programs
John J. Gunther to Mayor Hudnut, September 16, 1981
Hudnut Praised For Highway Construction Efforts
Norbert T. Tiemann to Congressman Hudnut, October 8, 1974
H.R. 9142, Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973
Federal City Reporter, March 24, 1989
Congressman Hudnut to Trustees, Penn Central Transportation Co., September 3, 1974
Congressman Hudnut to Roger Lewis, September 3, 1974
Mayor Hudnut to Meet with Key Senator on Amtrak
Congressman Hudnut Sponsors Transportation Seminar
I. Operating Revenue
I-165 Project Considerations
David E. Carley to Robert D. Orr, P. Douglas Gerleman and Gene K. Hallock, September 27, 1983 (Clean)
Resolution No. 83-R-46
1983 Indianapolis Regional Transportation Improvement Program: Third Quarter Amendments
Transportation Improvement Data (Shorter)