Lugar, Richard G., Invitation Sent to
1,307 items found
Indianapolis Osteopathic Hospital Meeting Notice
Irvin S. Katz to Mayor Lugar, June 12, 1975
ISEF Golf Tournament
Ivan H. Brinegar to City and Town Officials, June 4, 1975
Ivan H. Brinegar to Mayor Lugar, June 6, 1975
Ivan H. Brinegar to Mayors and Town Clerk Treasurers, May 13, 1975
J. Bruce Miller to Mayor Lugar, June 16, 1975
J. Ravenell Fields to Mayor Lugar, June 23, 1975
John D. Sementa to Mayor Lugar, Jan. 22, 1975
John F. Johnson to Mayor Lugar, April 15, 1975
Scheduling Request, Salvation Army
Walter B. Kirkwood to Mayor Lugar, October 30, 1974
William F. Himes to Mayor Lugar, October 7, 1974
Ann Colone to Birch E. Bayh Jr. and Mayor Lugar, October 8, 1974
Russ Blowers to Mayor Lugar, April 2, 1975
Sara Adler to Mayor Lugar, March 13, 1975
Ted R. Manley to Mayor Lugar, April 8, 1975
The Officers and Directors of the Boys' Club Association, April 21, 1975
The Sons of Indiana in New York, April 24, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Harold L. Schuman, December 6, 1974