Lugar, Richard G., Thank You Letter by
3,239 items found
Charles A. Adler, Jr. to Susan Seigle, October 31, 1973
Mayor Lugar to E.K. Stevens, May 31, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Olaf K. Walker, May 30, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Thomas E. Potter, May 31, 1973
Henry J. Wise to Mayor Lugar, September 14, 1971
Mayor Lugar to James M. Ward, May 22, 1972
Mayor Lugar to John S. Murray, April 24, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Michael Casey, December 30, 1971
Mayor Lugar to P. Ray Grimes, April 27, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Stephen W. Roberts, May 15, 1973
John Leopold to Mayor Lugar, September 25, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Charles J. Baron, November 2, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Debbie Scott, October 13, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Elmer George, July 7, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Elmer George, June 30, 1970
Mayor Lugar to James D. Cope, March 28, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Leo Molinaro, July 25, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Peter B. Harkins, January 14, 1972
Mayor Lugar to William H. Hardy, November 21, 1973
Mayor Lugar to John Hann, July 2, 1973