Lugar, Richard G., Statements Made By
51 items found
Statement of Richard G. Lugar, June 4, 1975
Lugar Will Not Seek Third Term
Mayor Richard C. Lugar's Statement
Lugar Announces Grant to Indianapolis Parks, April 8, 1992
Lugar Announces Navy Team to Negotiate NAWC Privatization, August 11, 1995
We Did It Together, Lugar Mayoral Campaign
Marion County Republican Reporter, Vol. 7 - No. 3, Apr. 1974
Mayor Lugar to Opal Bowers, July 3, 1974
Warren Buckler to Mayor Lugar, February 20, 1974
Charles H. Percy to Mayor Lugar, June 23, 1971
John A. Scott to L. Keith Bulen, March 1, 1973
Lugar Says Indianapolis Crime Down in 1971
Proclamation for "Honor America Day"
Mayor Lugar's EPA Testimony Draft Outline #1
Statement By Mayor Richard G. Lugar
Statement by Mayor Richard G. Lugar City of Indianapolis
Environment, Energy and the Dynamics of Cities_New Font
Environment, Energy and the Dynamics of Cities Rough Draft
Patrick D. Sullivan to Mayor Lugar, October 2, 1969
Paul F. Kortepeter to Mayor Lugar, October 3, 1969