PEPPER Committee
101 items found
1990 Instruction/Tuition Budget
Proposal for the City of Indianapolis Financing Strategy, 1990-1994
Mayor Hudnut to Beurt SerVaas, February 24, 1989
Mayor Hudnut Reviews Efficiency Panel's Progress
Index of PEPPER Recommendations by Sub-Committee
July 3, 1990 Uncategorized
Mayor Accepts Recommendations of Efficiency Panel
Executive Summary: Pepper Conclusions
Hudnut Selects MacAllister as Pepper Committee Chairman
City Management Team on Quest for Quality
Mayor Accepts Recommendations of Efficiency Panel
Hudnut Proposes Review of Local Government
PEPPER Review by City-County Council
Mayor Hudnut to Beurt SerVaas, July 10, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to F. Arthur Strong, May 23, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to PEPPER Committee, April 4, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Marion County Officials, March 1, 1989
P.E. MacAllister to Mayor Hudnut, March 29, 1989
Hudnut Proposes Review of Local Government, Calls for Efficiency Panel to Study Options
John R. Cox to Editor of the Indianapolis Star, January 12, 1990