Lugar, Richard G., Public Appearance by
484 items found
Mayor Lugar Schedule, October 1, 1974_2
Mayor Lugar to Rev. Quentin Small, August 26, 1974
Near Eastside Community Organization Third Anniversary_1
Near Eastside Community Organization Third Anniversary_2
Richard Riley to Gordon K. Durnil, July 30, 1974
Preliminary Program Board of Directors Meeting
Re-Dedication Service Bethel
Rev. Kenneth V. Bateman to Gordon K. Durnil, September 17, 1974
Rev. Kenneth V. Bateman to Mayor Lugar
Schedule for Lugar, October 13, 1974
Schedule for Mayor Lugar
Schedule for Mayor Lugar
Schedule for Mayor Lugar, October 16, 1974
Schedule for Mayor Lugar, October 19, 1974
Schedule for Mayor Lugar, October 19, 1974 to October 27, 1974
Schedule for Mayor Lugar, October 21, 1974
Schedule for Mayor Lugar, October 7, 1974
Schedule for Mayor Lugar, October 9, 1974
Schedule for Mayor Lugar, October 9, 1974_Notes
Senior Citizen Lunch Program Celebration