Job Programs
159 items found
Mayor Announces School Pilot Project, September 3, 1987
INVEST Indianapolis Background, September 1987
Invest Indianapolis Leadership Group
Indianapolis Selected to Participate in Pilot Jobs Project, February 20, 1987
Mayor's Remarks: June 27, 1984 GIPC Board of Directors Meeting
Joint Venture, Fall 1986
Alicia M. Chadwick to Dan P. Young, August 15, 1985
200 Additional Summer Jobs Available
Mayor Hudnut to W. Douglas McKnight, June 25, 1986
Dean Evans to Mayor Hudnut, October 12, 1982
Jobs '83 Notes
Mayor Hudnut to Margo Lyon, September 8, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Margo Lyon, September 8, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Donald Tanselle, August 13, 1982
Private Industry Council Roles and Options: Making the Job Training Partnership Work
Partners 2000 Reception/Celebration, Mayor's Briefing
Marsha M. Oliver to Mayor Hudnut, January 9, 1985
Agenda Partners 2000 Kickoff and Program
Facts about Partners 2000