Social Services
689 items found
Indiana Conference on Social Concerns Luncheon, Mayor's Briefing_Original
Indiana Conference on Social Concerns Regional Line, Vol. 6, No. 3, Fall 1981
Sandra Emmanuel to Mayor Hudnut, October 13, 1981
Indiana Conference on Social Concerns, Inc.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - The Fiscal Year 1988 Budget
Mrs. Robert D. Ross & Valjean Dickinson to Mayor Hudnut, August 4, 1981
Developing Community Systems to Respond to an Aging Society
Indiana Conference on Social Concerns Luncheon, Mayor's Briefing
GIPC Recommended Human Services Policy for the City of Indianapolis
People's Health Center Press Release, Homelessness
Sandra Emmanuel to Mayor Hudnut and Joe Slash, September 22, 1981
Result of Meeting of Mayor Hudnut, Joe Slash, Valjean Dickinison, Alice Ross, and Sandra Emmanuel, September 21, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Carolyn Tucker, February 27, 1984
Meeting Notice: Mayor's Social Services Advisory Council, April 27, 1982
Indianapolis Urban League Sabbath Days
To Mayor Hudnut, March 3, 1989
Valjean Dickinson and Alice Ross to Mayor's Social Service Advisory Council, September 16, 1981
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, October 24, 1979
Mayor's Social Service Advisory Council Meeting Notice