143 items found
Peter B. Harkins to Frank Zarb, January 30, 1975
Bernard A. Ramundo to Mayor Lugar, April 13, 1972
Dr. Kenneth G. Kohlstaedt to Sir George Pickering, May 8, 1969
Jewish National Fund Cordially Invites You to Attend the Testimonial Dinner, June 13, 1982
Eugene B. Hibbs and John P. Kelly to Mayor Hudnut, October 7, 1980
Invitees Police/Community Relations Meeting
Hudnut Invitation to Police/Community Relations Meeting
Bob Gordon to John Krause, May 9, 1989
Robert R. Baxter to V. Richard Miller, June 1, 1982
Robert R. Baxter to Rozelle Boyd, June 1, 1982
Robert R. Baxter to Rozelle Boyd, June 1, 1982, Copy
Robert R. Baxter to Richard Miller, June 1, 1982
A Classic Affair
From Larry Baca, November 2, 1989
James Arvin to David Arland, November 2, 1989
From Ralph Huestis, December 3
Big Brother Program of Indianapolis Dinner Invitation
Indiana American Revolution Bicentennial Commission Rededication
Mayor Hudnut to R.H.Henkel, August 5, 1976
To Mayor Hudnut