Natural Gas
27 items found
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John McKinley to Texaco Stockholder, September 9, 1983
David Griffiths to Senator Lugar, September 19, 1983
Citizens Gas & Coke Utility Briefing Paper on Federal Natural Gas Legislation
Mayor Hudnut Congressional Speech
Citizens Gas Revisions
John Ryan to Tom Henry, August 23, 1983
Speech Draft, Gas Rates
Phil Sharp to Mayor Hudnut, July 14, 1983
Testimony of William H. Hudnut, III Mayor of the City of Indianapolis
Mayor Hudnut to John Ryan and Tom Henry, March 21, 1983
Thomas Henry to Recipients, March 18, 1983
Citizens Gas and Coke Backgrounder
John Ryan to Mayor Hudnut, March 11, 1983
State of Indiana Public Service Commission of Indiana Petition to Intervene
From Mayor Hudnut, March 7, 1983
Phil Sharp to Mayor Hudnut, March 2, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Phillip Sharp, February 18, 1983
Paula Bauerle and Cheryl Goodall Visitor Slip
Mayor Hudnut to Thomas Henry, January 27, 1983