Welcome Letters--Greek Organizations
66 items found
Memo on the Phi Beta Psi Sorority
Mayor Hudnut to Martha Loos, August 15, 1980
Martha Loos to Mayor Hudnut, August 5, 1989
From Mayor Hudnut, April 26, 1986
Juanita Talley to Mayor Hudnut, February 13, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Dr. Ivan Cotman, March 13, 1986
Lehman Adams to Mayor Hudnut, March 10, 1986
From Mayor Hudnut_On the 1980 Mid-American Interfraternity Council Association Conference
Dwight Kensil to Mayor Hudnut, February 29, 1980
Thomas King to James Melms, March 13, 1986
From Mayor Hudnut, March 26, 1986
Hal Rees to Mayor Hudnut, March 21, 1986
Society of American Value Engineers, Inc. (SAVE)
From Mayor Hudnut_On the Crispus Attucks High School Class of '36
Wilma Blackwell to Mayor Hudnut, March 19, 1986
Golden Anniversary Crispus Attucks High School Alumni Class of 1936 Program
From Mayor Hudnut_On the 1986 Regional Conference of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Crystal Nannenga to Beth Logan, March 5, 1986
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana Alumnae Chapter
Regional Conference of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority