349 items found
Visit Indianapolis '79 Notes, May 18, 1979
R. D. Jones to Mayor Hudnut, May 11,1979
From Richard C. Nye, May 8, 1979
1979 Visit Indianapolis Guest List
Marcie Thompson to Jan Kamplain & Mayor Hudnut, May 16, 1979
Indianapolis Arthritic Guild Notes, May 18, 1979
Jan Kamplain to Mayor Hudnut, May 2, 1979_1
Jan Kamplain to Mayor Hudnut, April 18, 1979_1
International Taxicab Assn Notes, May 18, 1979
Mayor Hudnut to Richard Hunt, May 7, 1979
Richard Hunt to Mayor Hudnut, April 12, 1979
Bill Fox et al. to Mayor Hudnut, May 8, 1979
Mayor Hudnut to Robert W. Briggs, May 11, 1979
Robert W. Briggs to Mayor Hudnut, April 23, 1979
From Mrs. Arthur H. Rhea, May 7, 1979
Highland Tennis Couples Opening Night, May 18, 1979
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Jan Kamplain to Mayor Hudnut, May 17, 1979
Kenneth B. Hale to Mayor Hudnut, April 25, 1979
William C. Graam to Mayors and Members, April 10, 1979
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, May 19, 1979