IUPUI - Indiana U./Bloomington
105 items found
Dale Neuburger to Jerry Bepko, Harry Gonso, Joe Slash, April 4, 1988
Jerry L. Gray to Dale Newberger, March 30, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Thomas Ehrlich, April 5, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Thomas Ehrlich, October 13, 1987
Robert H. Ferrell to Mayor Hudnut, June 18, 1987
John W. Ryan to Mayor Hudnut, May 19, 1987
John L. Krauss to Dwight Ink, June 4, 1987
Dwight Ink to John Krauss, April 29, 1987
Mayor Hunut to Jack R. Wentworth, April 21, 1987
Jack R. Wentworth to Mayor Hudnut, March 30, 1987
From Jack R. Wentworth, April 10, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Herman B. Wells, May 26, 1987
Herman B. Wells to Mayor Hudnut, May 13, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Maynard K. Hine, March 23, 1987
Maynard K. Hine to Mayor Hudnut, February 9, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Morris Green, March 23, 1987
Morris Green to Mayor Hudnut, February 6, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to William F. Harvey, March 23, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Robert F. Byrnes, March 20, 1987
Robert F. Byrnes to Mayor Hudnut, February 16, 1987