Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth
24 items found
Paula Parker-Sawyers to Mayor Hudnut, October 12, 1990
Youth City--'91 Scenario
Paula Parker-Sawyers to Mayor Hudnut, February 15, 1990
Paula Parker-Sawyers to Mayor Hudnut, February 21, 1990
Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth, Preliminary Organizational Structure
Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth, Three Year Budget Summary
Information Kit on the Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth
Fifth Annual Symposium on Youth: Setting the Agenda for the '90's
Thomas L. Otto to Mayor Hudnut, June 15, 1989
Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth, Status and Issues
Ray R. Irvin to Mayor Hudnut, March 21 ,1989
Mayor Hudnut to Irvin S. Katz, March 7, 1989
Irvin S. Katz to Mayor Hudnut, January 12, 1989
Marianne E. McCullough to Mayor Hudnut, June 20, 1988
Financing Children's Services: A Proposal to Create the Children's Trust
Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth Membership
Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth Steering Committee
Mayor Hudnut to Stanley P. Strader, April 11, 1988
Joseph A. Slash to Mayor Hudnut, April 7, 1988
Greater Indianapolis Commission on Youth, Organizational Structure and Functions