Honorary Citizens Award
134 items found
"Visions of a Healthy City" First Place Winner, Scott Strubbe
"Visions of a Healthy City" Second Place Winner, Adriane Smith
"Visions of a Healthy City" Savings Bond Winner, Matthew Bishop
"Visions of a Healthy City" Savings Bond Winner, Colin McCloud
"Visions of a Healthy City" Savings Bond Winner, Jeremy Freismuth
"Visions of a Healthy City" Savings Bond Winner, Christiana Robinson
"Visions of a Healthy City" Savings Bond Winner, David Wetter
Visions of a Healthy City Poster Competition
From Mayor Hudnut, January 5, 1990
"Visions of a Healthy City" Poster Contest News Conference
Melinda Rider to Mark Goff
Winners of "Vision of a Healthy City" Poster Competition to be Honored
"Crossroads to Fair Housing" Poster Winner, Wayne Hughes
"Crossroads to Fair Housing" Poster Winner, Fritz David