May Schedules 1984
245 items found
IUPUI Commencement & Grad Remarks Notes
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, May 14, 1984
Sharon Frances to Lynn Druding, February 21, 1984
Proclamation - "National Nursing Home Week"
Wilbert A. Cunningham to Mayor Hudnut, April 26, 1984
Peace Officers Memorial Service Notes
Marquette Manor Notes
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, May 15, 1984
Graduation Ceremony Agenda
John A. Miller to Mayor Hudnut, May 7, 1984
Preservation Award Recipients
Bruce A. Cordingley to Mayor Hudnut, May 10, 1984
Thomas E. Payne III to Mayor Hudnut, April 3, 1984
Roy O. Turner to Mayor Hudnut, August 1, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Roy O. Turner, July 27, 1983
Roy O. Turner to Mayor Hudnut, July 12, 1983
Roy O. Turner to Mayor Hudnut, May 18, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to Roy O. Turner, July 27, 1983
Preservation Commission Awards Ceremony Notes
Grand Lodge of Indiana Banquet Notes