Hudnut Box 085 Untitled 3 (Formerly Labeled: October Schedules)
277 items found
Bo Ely to John Krauss, August 18
Mayor Hudnut to Gerald V. Roch, August 4, 1982
Gerald V. Roch to Mayor Hudnut, August 9, 1982
From Bruce C. Brown, August 17, 1982
Export Statistics as Reported by Robert Palmer, Director of World Trade and Economic Research at the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce
Agricultural Export Statistics
To Mayor Hudnut, Bob Samuelson Notes.
Mayor Hudnut, September 10, 1982 (with Markings)
Bo Ely to Mayor Hudnut, August 16
Mayor Hudnut, September 10, 1982 (without Markings)
Dan Te Grotenhuis to Mayor Hudnut, March 22, 1982
Arturo Bustamante to Mayor Hudnut, August 3, 1982
Bo Ely to Mayor Hudnut, September 8
Bo Ely to Mayor Hudnut, September 7
Dinner and a Reception for Discussing a Proposed National Center for Nursing
From Nell J. Watts
Thomas Doney Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, August 6, 1982
Mayor Hudnut's Appearance at Special Olympics Celebrity Softball
Mayor Hudnut to Mr. & Mrs. Elzie Carter, September 8, 1982
Lynn Druding to Mayor Hudnut, August 24, 1982