Goldsmith Box 053 Untitled 1
21 items found
James Patterson to Mayor Goldsmith, July 20, 1995
Cable Communications Agency
Lloyd Wright to Dollyne Pettingill, March 11, 1992
Tom Rose to Mayor Goldsmith, March 11, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to Beurt SerVaas, May 21, 1992
Cable/Telecommunications Issues
Mitch Roob to Mayor Goldsmith, April 6, 1993
Short Biography of Jayne L. Gerdeman
Job Description, Director of Telecommunications
Jim Burroughs to Dollyne Pettingill, April 22, 1993
NATOA Optimistic on Newly-Announced FCC Rate Regulation Rules
Cable Systems to Reduce Rates to "Competitive" Levels
Summary of FCC Cable Rate Regulation Report and Order
Separate Statement of Commissioner Andrew C. Barrett
Press Statement of Chairman James B. Quello
Seperate Statement of Commissioner Kevin S. Duggan
Shary Hoffman-Meadows to Mayor Goldsmith, August 27, 1993
From Jay L. Satterfield, August 31, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith to Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Rembusch, September 24, 1993
Aggie and Trueman Rembusch to Mayor Goldsmith, September 17, 1993