90 items found
The State of Maryland Proclamation National Safe Kids Week
Washington DC Safe Kids Week Proclamation
Proclamation "Victory is Mine Day"
Tony Perkins to Mitzi Hurst, April 29, 1996
Event: "Victory Is Mine" Sunrise Worship Service
Nicole Jordan to Youth Coordinator, April 23, 1996
Come Claim Your Victory At The "Victory Is Mine" Sunrise Worship Service
Proclamation "Plastics Week"
Bobbi Toney to Mayor Goldsmith, October 23, 1995
Bobbi Taylor to Mitzi Hurst, April 11, 1996
Dana Hall to Mitzi Hurst, April 22, 1996
Proclamation "Public Service Recognition Week"
Carolyn Stumpf to Ms. Sweeney, April 10, 1996
Proclamation Draft: Public Service
Proclamation "Richard M. Laffey Day"
Proclamation "Lucy Straw Day"
Marilyn A. Moores to Mitzi Hurst, May 9, 1996
Proclamation "Healthy Mom's Week"
Dinah Farrington to Mayor Goldsmith, April 5, 1996
Proclamation "Teamwork Wins Day"