1994 Press Releases
331 items found
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, June 25, 1994
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, June 28, 1994
City Removed from HUD's Troubled Housing List
HUD Officials Applaud Indianapolis's Removal from the Troubled PHA List
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, June 29, 1994
Mayor Leads Unified Effort to Crack Down on Juvenile Gun Violence
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, June 30, 1994
Goldsmith Unveils New Liquor License Legislation
Mayor's Public Schedule, July 1-10, 1994
Mayor Goldsmith and Mayor Giuliani Pay-Up
Six Local Companies Announce Expansion
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, July 6, 1994
Goldsmith Announces Youth Education and Employment Initiative
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, July 8, 1994
Mayor Presents $19,000 Grants for Neighborhood Improvements
1994 2nd Quarter Community Enhancement Fund Grants Awarded
Mayor's Public Schedule, July 8-17, 1994
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, July 12, 1994
Mayor's Public Schedule, July 15-22, 1994
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, July 18, 1994