Football (All-City & Co.), Jan. 21, 1974
21 items found
Indpls. Star-News All City-County Football Team, 1974
Photograph of Lugar at Football City Awards, 1974
1973 All-City & All-County Football Teams & Coaches, Pic List
1973 All-City Football Team & Coaches
1973 All-County Football Team & Coaches
City of Indianapolis Certificate, Outstanding Athlete, Football, Dennis Davis
City of Indianapolis Certificate, Outstanding Athlete, Football, Pat Kirk
Joe Brent to Mayor Lugar, January 23, 1974
List of Name Tags
Mayor Lugar to Dave Topping, January 19, 1973
Mayor Lugar to George Brown, January 9, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Mike Fine, January 9, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Nick Egan, January 9, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Phil N. Eskew, January 10, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Tim Horn, January 19, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Tom Carnegie, January 10, 1974
Notes on Luncheon
Notes, Mr. Phil Eskew Commissioner
Sharon A. Kramer to Mrs. Deakin, March 1, 1974
Sharon Kramer to Mayor Lugar, January 17, 1974