Westview Hospital_Folder 1
93 items found
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital Board Meeting Dates for November & December, October 20, 1975
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital Dedication Ceremony Program, February 2, 1975
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital Groundbreaking Ceremony Tentative Program_One Page with Notes
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital, A Unit of Indianapolis Osteopathic Hospital, Inc.
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital, Groundbreaking Ceremonies Program
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital, Groundbreaking Ceremonies, June 10, 1973_With Notes
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital, Groundbreaking Ceremoniy, Tentative_One Page
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital, Groundbreaking Ceremony_Copy
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital, Groundbreaking Ceremony, Tentative Program
Westview Osteopathic-Medical Hospital, President's Report, 1975
William D. McCue to John E. Cady, March 9, 1972
William J. Wood to Mayor Lugar, July 9, 1973
William Wood to Board of Directors, August 7, 1975