Convention Exposition Center
55 items found
Mayor Lugar to John P. Hudson, March 23, 1971
Mayor Lugar to Joseph Cripe, April 6, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Joseph J. Cripe, July 27, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Margaret W. Shaffer, August 11, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Otto N. Frenzel, III, September 7, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Riad Shaheen, March 23, 1972
Otto N. Frenzel, III to Mayor Lugar, September 6, 1972
Paul A. Newman to Mayor Lugar, May 15, 1972
Phillip K. Hardwick to Mr. Otto N. Frenzel, III, September 5, 1972
Riad Shaheen to Mayor Lugar, March 16, 1972
Robert A. Endsley to Betty Carter, January 26, 1972
To Convention Bureau Directors and Guests
To Convention Bureau Directors and Guests, June 4, 1971
Wayne Gross to Ed Lamb, July 17, 1972
Welcome to Indianapolis' New Center of Activity