Declines September '75
168 items found
Neighborhood Concepts of Local Government
Note on Call from Louie DeMace
Notes on Eagle Creek GOP Club
Notes on Ed Ragsdale Request
Patricia A. Cook and Nancy E. O'Dell, August 21, 1975
Paul I. Griner to Mayor Lugar, Aug. 12, 1975
Peter Greenhill to David Finney, Aug. 25,1975
Prophecy Conference with Revered Hilton Sutton
Recption for Robert M. O'Neil Invitation
Regrets Card for IACT Executive Committee Lunch
Representative Request, Midwest Travel Writers Dinner
Reservation Request
Retirement Party for Robert E. Wilson Invitation
Rev. Kenneth W. Neibel to Mayor Lugar, July 14, 1975
Rev. Kenneth W. Neibel to Mayor Lugar, July 14, 1975
Richard C. Nye to Mayor Lugar, Sep. 4, 1975
Roger F. Marsh to Mayor Lugar, Sep. 5, 1975
Roy Combs to Mayor Lugar, Aug. 22, 1975
Scheduling request, Bob Eskeles and Chuck Mills