IJC -- Biannual Meeting -- 1987 (1)
29 items found
David A. LaRoche and David G. Chance to Lake Levels Workshop Participant, November 4, 1987
James M. Medas to David LaRoche, August 1, 1986
David A. LaRoche to George P. Shultz, November 14, 1986
David A. LaRoche to George P. Shultz, December 10, 1986
Joe Clark to Mr. Chance, January 21, 1987
James M. Medas to David LaRoche, December 9, 1986
R. Koop to Project Management Team C-Chairs and others, November 9, 1987
Notes of the Fourth Meeting of the Project Management Team, October 27, 1987
David A. LaRoche to LKB (Bulen), November 10, 1987
Doc. #0138E: Levels Workshop List - Canadians Only
Proposed Outline of Remarks for the Opening Session
Proposed Outline of Text for Closing
Outline of Text for Wenesday Morning SAB Presentation
Proposed Text for Tuesday Morning Water Quality Board
Draft remarks to open RAP Forum
Do you have a question about this report?
International Joint Commission Biennial Meeting on Great Lakes Water Quality: VIP List for Hotel
Michelle Welly Hills to Bulen, September 4, 1986
Regional Budget Forecast in Canadian Funds: Biennial Meeting, Toledo - November 16-18/87
Profiles of Commissioners and Presenters: International Joint Commission, Biennial Meeting on Great Lakes Water Quality, November 16-18, 1987