Horse Patrols
17 items found
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, August 4, 1983
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, August 4, 1983
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, August 8, 1983
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, May 26, 1983
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Mary Ann Pahud to Mayor Hudnut, May 19
Invitation to the Dedication of the Mounted Horse Patrol
Richard I. Blankenbaker to Joseph McAtee, April 21, 1983
Dedication of the Mounted Horse Patrol Schedule
Invitation List for the Mounted Horse Patrol Dedication Ceremony
Invitation List for the Mounted Horse Patrol News Conference
Mayor Hopes Horse Patrol Can Expand to Shopping Centers
The Indianapolis Horse Patrol
Mayor Hudnut to Joseph A. Lackey, August 19, 1983
Indianapolis Police and Fire Department Goals
Mayor Hudnut Gives OK to Downtown Horse Patrol
Stephen P. Watts to William C. Dahlke, Decembe 4, 1986
News Release, August 1983