144 items found
Media Advisory Regarding Eagle Creek Firearms Training Facility, July 22, 1996
City Opens New Firearms Training Facility
City Opens New Firearms Training Facility
From Stephen Goldsmith, Conference on Children, Teens, Guns, and Violence, January 14, 1994
Karen Bruner Stroup to Mitzi Hirsh, January 11, 1994
From Stephen Goldsmith, Conference on Children, Teens, Guns, and Violence, January 10, 1994
Gearin School #109 Citizen Request Form
Mr. Fred Kuhn Citizen Request Form
Leading Medical And Media Experts Speak At Conference On Children, Teens, Guns, And Violence
Mayor Goldsmith to Dollyne Pettingill, May 5, 1994
Lawrence Sherman to Mayor Goldsmith, April 29, 1994
Frequency of Gun Offenses in Indianapolis
National Gun Study Shows Indianapolis War on Gun Efforts Succeeding
Mayor Leads Unified Effort to Crack Down on Juvenile Gun Violence
Marion Country Prosecuting Attorney, Gun Violence
Marion Country Prosecuting Attorney, List of Prosecutor's Office Programs
Lawrence Sherman, Tim Mosby, Ameen Najjar, and Frederick Roetter to Mayor Goldsmith and Jeff Modisett, June 21, 1994
Mayor Appoints Criminologist to Target Gun, Gangs Policy
Mayor Goldsmith Talking Points, Gun Crime
Larry Sherman Talking Points