Harvard University
163 items found
Compliments of The Case Program
Innovations in American Government 1995 Awards Program Semifinalist Application
Innovations in American Government 1995 Awards Program Semifinalist Application CEO Signature Page
Competition and Costing Application No. 274 Organizational Chart
Bureau of Justice Assistance and Kennedy School Set Cooperative Agreement on Anti-Drug Efforts
Working Group of State Drug Control Executives Agenda, January 23-25, 1992
Working Group of State Drug Control Executives, January 23-25, 1992
Meryl Ribbey to Dollyne Pettingill, December 22. 1993
1993 Innovations in State and Local Government Awards Program
Innovations 1994 Application
John Hatfield to Howard Husock
Organizing Competition in Indianapolis: Mayor Stephen Goldsmith and the Quest for Lower Costs (A)
Organizing Competition in Indianapolis: Mayor Stephen Goldsmith and the Quest for Lower Costs (B)
Organizing Competition in Indianapolis: Mayor Stephen Goldsmith and the Quest for Lower Costs (Sequel)
Pat Wong to John Hatfield, January 10, 1996
Brief Bios: Howard Husock
Howard A. Husock Resume
Michael E. Porter to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, January 3, 1995
Lyn C. Pohl to John Hatfield, January 3 ,1995
Harvard University Map