109 items found
Proclamation "Scott Etzler Day"
Dollyne to Mitzi Hurst, April 9, 1997
Proclamation "Make A Difference Day," October 23, 1999
Marcia Bullard and Robert K. Goodwin to Mayor Goldsmith, July 16, 1999
Make A Difference Day, October 23, 1999
From Mayor Goldsmith, pick up date April 10, 1996. 1st Annual Scholarship Dinner
Dale Davis to Mayor Goldsmith, April 3, 1996
Indiana Pacers Dale Davis to Announce Establishment of Foundation
Proclamation "Juvenile Diabetes Awareness Month"
Terry Sanders to Mitzi Hurst, September 17, 1997
Proclamation "Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation Leadership in Service Day"
HOBY's International Youth Conference
Mayor Goldsmith to Friend, March 30, 1996
Karen Pittenger to Mayor Goldsmith, March 25, 1996
Proclamation "The Dale Davis Foundation Day"
From Mayor Goldsmith, Dale Davis Foundation Dinner
Octavia Florence to Elaine, April 8, 1997
Dale Davis and the Board of Directors...
Dale Davis Introduces Kids to the Internet
The Dale Davis Foundation Progamming