Greenway Project
27 items found
City Opens First Rail To Trail Greenway
Mayor Announces First Wave of Renovations to IWC Canal
Canal Trail: IWC Central Canal Renovation
Goldsmith Announces $27 Million Investments in City Parks in '96
1996 IndyParks Projects
New Parks Land Acquisitions 1993-1995
Indianapolis Greenways: Linking Neighborhoods to Nature
City Opens First Rail to Trail Greenway
City Stays on the Right Track with Rail to Trail Conversion
Monon Ground Breaking, October 24, 1995
Mayor Goldsmith to Members of Such and Such Church
Monon Trail Opening Ceremony, June 23, 1996
IWC Central Canal Renovation Kick-Off, May 1996
Indianapolis Greenways Plan, May 1994
Indy Parks Greenways, 1995 Current Beautification Projects
Mayor Goldsmith to Resident, June 24, 1996
Indy Parks Greenways Factsheet
To Resident, Greenways Plan, June 24, 1996
Goldsmith Announces $27 Million Investment in City Parks in '96
New Parks Land Acquisitions, 1993-1995