Goldsmith, Stephen, Request for Recognition from
17 items found
Attorney Bernard Huff to Mitzi Hurst, March 23, 1998
Sean Murray to DMALLEN, August 5, 1998
Dori Greco to MHURST, August 3, 1998
Denise Herd to Kelli Lester, July 23, 1998
Kathy Blane to Mitzi Hurst, August 10, 1998
Bea Overton to Mayor Goldsmith, January 12, 1992
Rev. Curtis L. Vance & Sister Linda Journey to Mayor Goldsmith, January 12, 1993
Guy E. Russell to Mitzi Hurst, April 29, 1993
Myron Robbins & Al Lerman to Mitzy Hurst, January 26, 1993
P. Bisbecos to G. Hall, April 26, 1993
Dwight Bennett to Ginger Hail, April 9, 1993
Maude L. Dilley to the Office of Mayor Goldsmith, March 19, 1993
Mary Anne DeMunbrun to Mayor of Indianapolis (Goldsmith), June 25, 1993
Bernard L. Pylitt to Scott Yonover, April 16, 1993
Georgia Buchanan to Ginger Hall, January 12, 1993
Chris Wilson to Mayor Goldsmith, June 2, 1993
Milt Thompson to Mitzi Hurst, August 30, 1993