Community Leaders Allied for Superior Schools (CLASS)
160 items found
Patricia L. Brennan to Caterina Cregor, April 1, 1992
Press Release; Class Grant
G. Thomas Houlihan to Mayor Hudnut, April 27, 1990
Press Release; Class Grant
Mayor Hudnut to G. Thomas Houlihan, February 4, 1991
Agenda, CLASS Executive Committee, August 14, 1991
Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee CLASS, May 14, 1991
Nominated CLASS Board
Andre B. Lacy to CLASS Executive Committee, May 17, 1990
Class Executive Committee
Minutes of the CLASS Meeting of the Executive Committee, May 8, 1990
CLASS Board of Directors
CLASS, Committee Meeting Request
G. Thomas Houlihan to Mayor Hudnut, April 27, 1990
CLASS Executive Committee
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee..
Community Leaders Allied for Superior Schools Mission Statement
CLASS Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting of Board of Directiors July 1991
CLASS Executive Commitee August 1991