13 items found
Barbara Dean to Mayor Hudnut, January 6, 1983
Invitation to the Humane Society Benefit Ball
Cincy Porteous to Mayor Hudnut, December 10, 1982
1983 "Critter Cotillion"
Lorine Ward to Mayor & Mrs. Hudnut, January 5, 1983
Critter Cotillion Notes
Admission Ticket for The Sarah Grotto Installation and Monarch's Ball
Roger S. Gray to Mayor Hudnut, February 12, 1983
Invitation to the 1983 Indianapolis "500" Festival Queen's Ball
Invitation to the Sahara Grotto's Monarch Ball
Invitation to the 16th Annual Gala Pre "500" Tartan Ball; Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Mayor Hudnut to Mary Ann Pahud, May 6
Invitation to the Sahara Grotto Monarch and Prophet's Ball
Sahara Grotto Notes