Barrett Law
51 items found
City of Indianapolis Barrett Bond Program, May 13, 1993
Dave Shaw to Working Group, May 13, 1993
Barrett Law Bonds for Indianapolis
Dave Shaw to Working Group, May 10, 1993
1971 Legislation
Administration Senate and House Bill Priorites
Administration Senate and House Bill Priorities, Feburary 22, 1971
Emma A. Dale to Richard G. Lugar, May 6, 1971
Homeowners Lawrence Avenue
Keith D. Otto to Mrs. Norval D. Hamilton, Feb. 2, 1971
Keith D. Otto to Mrs. Norval D. Hamilton, Feb. 5, 1971
Kenny Jagger to Mayor Lugar, May 2, 1971
Proposed Assessment List for Temperance South of Minnesota
Concerned Citizen to Mayor Lugar, 1970
Property Owners and Land Assessments Adjacent to Alley Between Temple Ave. and Trowbridge St.
Richard B. Wetzel to Mayor Lugar, Augusut 11, 1970
T. R. Frazell to Mrs. Norval Mayer, Jun. 10, 1971
Fred L. Madorin to Mr. and Mrs. Buckner, W. A.., August 7, 1970
Fred L. Madorin to Mrs. Robert Kinney, May 8, 1970
Harold W. Rominger to Michael A. Carroll, March 14, 1972