Zellar, Marie
12 items found
Marie Zellar to All Friends of HEC, August 10, 1992
Mayor Hudnut to Ms. Marie Zellar, March 14, 1991- Draft
Hoosier Environmental Council Launches Massive Grass Roots Campaign For Better Solid Waste Management
Marie Zellar to Mayor Hudnut, February 25, 1991
Marie Zellar to Mayor Hudnut, February 25, 1991
David H. Arland to Sara, March 11, 1991
Marie Zellar to Mayor Hudnut, February 25, 1991
Mayor Hudnut to Marie Zellar, March 14, 1991
Armen N. Stepanian, Marie Zellar, Jeff Stant, and Kristi Seastrom to Mayor Hudnut and the Department of Public Works, April 16, 1991
Armen Stepanian, Marie Zellar, Jeff Stant, and Kristi Seastrom to the Members of the Indianapolis Waste Minimization Committee, April 16, 1991
Mayor Hudnut to Marie Zellar Draft
Mayor Hudnut to Marie Zellar Draft