Wurf, Jerry
17 items found
Conference on Cities, Breakfast Meeting, Tape #9
Victor Borge with Jerry Wurf and Joseph E. Bolt, Conference on Cities, May 1971
Thursday Luncheon Head Table Introductions
Harrison A. Williams to Mayor Lugar, June 30, 1971
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, October Calendar of Events
James T. Morris to Paul Minarchencko, January 13, 1971
LMRS Newsletter, April 1970
State-Local Employee Labor Relations
James T. Morris to Mayor Lugar, October 7, 1971
Federalism in 1974
Conference on Cities, Second Plenary Session, Tape #14
NTDS Board Meeting Minutes and Guidelines
Minutes of the National Training and Development Service, December 30, 1974
National Advisory Committee
LMRS Newsletter, April 1972
LMRS Newsletter, June 1970
From Confrontation to Cooperation, November 22, 1971