Sendak, Theodore
11 items found
Congressman Andy Jacobs, A Congressman Who Keeps His Word
United States of America vs. Board of School Commissioners of the City of Indianapolis, October 21, 1971
The Indiana Republican: Volume 1, Number 2
Indianapolis--GOP gubernatorial nominee Otis R. Bowen has jumped..
Theodore L. Sendak to L. Keith Bulen, February 7, 1969
L. Keith Bulen Appears with Group During 1972 Campaign
Republican and Democrat Officeholders as We Enter 1975
Dr. Byron Steger to Theodore Sendak, July 7, 1970
Beurt SerVaas to Theodore Sendak, March 9, 1971
Sarah Ellsworth to Mayor Hudnut, August 15, 1980
To Mayor Hudnut, August 13, 1980